hi all,
just a question about the way in which the turnoff statement should be
The standard states (
"When the turnoff statement is reached at k-rate, the instrument instance
shall be scheduled to terminate after the following k-cycle; that is, if the
current orchestra time is T and the k-pass duration k, the instrument
instantiation shall be scheduled to terminate at time T+k."
The problem I encountered is about the interpretation of the expression
"following k-cycle".
If I execute this statement at time T, the following kcycle should take
place at time T + k. At this time I wonder if I have to execute the
s_rate/k_rate a-cycles which normally follow each kcycle before terminating
the instance.
I mean, are these acycles contemporary to the last k-cycle and then supposed
to be executed?
Thank you
Claudio Alberti
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering
Integrated Systems Laboratory - DE/LSI - EPFL
CH-1015 Lausanne - SWITZERLAND
Tel. +41 21 693 69 74
Fax +41 21 693 46 63
Email Claudio.Alberti@epfl.ch
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