Re: turnoff statement

From: Eric Scheirer (
Date: Mon Nov 22 1999 - 09:03:28 EST

>Hope this helps, I'm sure there's at least one bug in the description
>above and maybe more, hopefully Eric will chime in with a simpler
>description that covers all the cases that an implementer has to
>handle to get a compliant decoder!

I didn't see any bugs, as far as I could tell this is the same thing
as saolc does. We should really make some complicated extend/turnoff/
tempo test cases to compare the behavior of saolc and sfront; this is
sufficiently complicated that I'm sure they're not always in agreement.

As with most complex things in SAOL, the complexity is due to the
wish to make things easy for the instrument programmer at the
expense of the implementor...


 -- Eric

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