Re: Omitting symbols

From: Eric Scheirer (
Date: Mon Nov 22 1999 - 09:09:37 EST

>1. Only defining the first X symbols in the symbol table, when there are
>more than X symbols used in the orc/sco.

Yes. Actually, it's not only the count of symbols used, but their indices.
For example, the symbol table could define names for 20 symbols, #0-#19,
but the orchestra only uses symbol #3, #28, and #674. #3 will have a
name, #28 and #674 will not.

>2. Making some strings in the symbol table zero length.

Argh. The standard is silent on this, which isn't right. I suggest that
intepretation is a good one; that a zero-length symbol table entry means
that there is simply no name for a symbol. I've added this to the
corrigendum list.


-- Eric

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