Re: symbol vs. ident. vs. token

From: Eric Scheirer (
Date: Mon Nov 22 1999 - 09:08:49 EST

Hi Ross,

[ It does my heart good that people read the spec so closely that they
 find the bugs in it!]

As John points out, and are in conflict -- the latter
implies that a standard name may be an instrument name (it couldn't
be if it weren't allowed to be a symbol), while the former implies
that it cannot. I prefer, exactly for reasons of bitstream parsing,
the interpretation. This means that is incomplete,
and "standard name" should be listed in the itemization of things
an instrument name shall not be.


 -- Eric

-----Original Message-----
From: Ross Bencina <>
To: Saol-dev <>
Date: Sunday, November 21, 1999 8:12 AM
Subject: symbol vs. ident. vs. token

>Hi, I'm looking for clarification on the following
>Since it is legal for a standard name to be used as an instrument name
>( would it be fair to surmise that:
>A. is in error, a standard name cannot be used as an instrument
>B. the name would be tokenised as the token corresponding to the token for
>the corresponding standard name, not as a symbol token.
>C. all identifiers used to name instruments, opcodes, tables and variables
>are always tokenised as symbols.

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