At 02:53 PM 12/12/99 , Marek Claussen wrote:
>hi !
>thinking about a new way to organize the discussion about SA, I really
>would appreciate an open forum for new ideas and new aspects which will
>come up when implementing tools. I think we should leave the
>mailing-list as it is, because it is not too busy so far and there is
>still enough time and space for discussing a third decoder (SAINT).
Probably, as far as the discussion stays close to common general
purpose platforms like PCs and workstations, to which it seems to
me the discussion, 95% of times, is attached for implementation issues.
Having more and more industrial-oriented involvement means to me
also to abandon this only way and to debate about sw, hw, mixed
hw/sw solutions, security, multi-process synchro etc., etc. In this
context many aspects enter into the discussion and ...
>I´m really curious
>about different approaches for realizing a decoder, working more
>efficiently (faster).
... the equation efficiency = speed is not at all the only issue on
the table. Many people buy a PentiumII portable because they believe
it is faster than a Pentium I portable, but what happens if you don't
have it plug in the socket ? Perhaps you could save $500 or more,
and this is another valuable point. Do you catch my point ?
Best regards,
Giorgio ZOIA
Integrated Systems Laboratory - DE/LSI - EPFL
CH-1015 Lausanne - SWITZERLAND
Phone: + 41 21 693 69 79 E-mail:
Fax: +41 21 693 46 63
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