RE: SML (Synthesis Modelling Language)

From: Michael Gogins (
Date: Tue Jan 18 2000 - 19:53:34 EST

I think this is a good idea. I'd say look at some existing programs that
store patch diagrams just to make sure you're not missing a bet, but Native
Instruments Reaktor, Buzz, and SynC modular all use binary files for this.
However, perhaps you might want to make sure your XML format can represent
the diagrams in a computer music text like Dodge and Jerse or the Amsterdam
Catalog of Computer Music Instruments (translated to SAOL).

-----Original Message-----
From: Bert Schiettecatte []
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2000 7:07 PM
Subject: SML (Synthesis Modelling Language)

Dear List,

A while ago I discussed synthesis schematics (like used in the
Computer Music Tutorial by C. Roads) with a few other people with
experience in the computer music field, and they all told me that there
was no 'standard' for describing a synthesis schematic (algorithm) in a
language-independent way.

I was looking yesterday for a way to serialize the synthesis structures in
my authoring tool (QOrchestra, more info on my homepage), and I've now
come to the conclusion that XML is the best way to do it (I hope).

Perhaps it's time for a standard like MathML or CML (the mathematics
modeling language and the chemistry modeling language), but for synthesis
diagrams. I will store instruments, synthesis structures and their
relations in XML anyway, so a discussion of the right format is now

Consider something like:

  VCO1 ----\
           \----> VCF ----> OUT
  VCO2 ----/

This re-usable structure might be saved as the following XML-standalone

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<GraphStructure name="new_reusable_structure">
  <StructureInstance name="VCO1">
    <Connection from="audio_out" to="audio_input" target="VCF"/>
  <StructureInstance name="VCO2">
    <Connection from="audio_out" to="frequency_input" target="VCF"/>
  <StructureInstance name="VCF">
    <Connection from="audio_out" to="audio_input" target="OUT"/>

Some other XML document contains the structure definitions (only the VCF
is provided as an example):

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<Structure name="VCF">
    <Input name="audio_input">
    <Input name="frequency_input">
    <Output name="audio_output">

This is probably a bit "fuzzy defined", but I think a standard like this
is essential with all those books being published and everybody using his
own way to draw an audio-flow schema.

All comments are appreciated!

Thanks in advance,

Bert Schiettecatte.

Bert Schiettecatte (1e lic. Inf)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel


-- To be a popular composer, what is it you must do?
Perhaps to learn enough tricks that cause people to
have pleasant sensations without too much stress.
What are the tricks for making that catches on in
a listener's mind, and keeps repeating long after
the performance? -- M. Minsky

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