On Tue, 18 Jan 2000, Michael Gogins wrote:
> I think this is a good idea. I'd say look at some existing programs that
> store patch diagrams just to make sure you're not missing a bet, but Native
> Instruments Reaktor, Buzz, and SynC modular all use binary files for this.
> However, perhaps you might want to make sure your XML format can represent
> the diagrams in a computer music text like Dodge and Jerse or the Amsterdam
> Catalog of Computer Music Instruments (translated to SAOL).
Thanks for your response. Do you have a link for these computer music
texts? I only have the computer music tutorial by C. Roads.
Bert Schiettecatte (1e lic. Inf)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
-- To be a popular composer, what is it you must do?
Perhaps to learn enough tricks that cause people to
have pleasant sensations without too much stress.
What are the tricks for making that catches on in
a listener's mind, and keeps repeating long after
the performance? -- M. Minsky
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