Hi Michel,
I've heard this question several times now, and I
understand the concern. The simple answer is that
saog-forum is more to discuss the "business" aspects
of SA development. In particular, the way SA can
be integrated into larger systems, and the discovery
of operating partners for doing joint work (particularly
in EC-funded contexts, at least in the immediate
time frame).
Of course everyone is willing to join SAOG if they
are worried about feeling left out. But please be
assured that if discussions become focused on SAOL
development or use, I will try to route them back onto
saol-dev or saol-users as quickly as possible.
-- Eric
-----Original Message-----
From: Michel Jullian <exbang@wanadoo.fr>
To: Giorgio Zoia <Giorgio.Zoia@epfl.ch>; saol-dev list
Date: Friday, February 04, 2000 6:28 AM
Subject: Re: SAOG reflector is active - purposes
>Hi Giorgio,
>It seems to me a separate list kind of forces all of us on saol-dev to
>subscribe to your list if we want to discuss SAOL development. So why not
>discuss those things on saol-dev, where SA-related open-source development
>already the major subject of discussion ? And SAOL-dev doesn't have
>overwhelming traffic. Am I missing something ?
>Giorgio Zoia wrote:
>> two days ago I sent out a kick-off message for the
>> SAOG Forum mailing list and activities.
>> The mailing-list will possibly host discussions related to the SAOG
>> purposes, i.e. SA-related open-source development, with
>> a special bias towards integration of SA in wider industrial
>> activities or multi-partners (and multi-tools) collaboration projects.
> Michel Jullian Directeur General email exbang@wanadoo.fr
> Exbang Industries S.A.
> Mas Chauvain route de Villeneuve tel +33(0) 499 529 878
> Maurin 34970 Lattes France fax +33(0) 499 529 879
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