Re: updated sdif2mp4 files

From: John Lazzaro (lazzaro@CS.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: Sat Feb 19 2000 - 14:01:26 EST

> My version generates a mp4 file that is completely accepted by saolc (my
> build), and synthesises to a healthy soundfile. sfront55 (downloaded
> build) reports similar numeric errors, but it looks like it only has a
> problem with floating-point fields - it reads srate and other integer
> fields correctly.

I'm not certain, but I think this is an errata that was fixed in
sfront but not saolc -- when Eric releases his new saolc, let me know
if its still the case that saolc handles a file well that sfront
doesn't, and I'll see what I can find. Looking back over the
archived emails I exchanged with Eric during the bitstream-compatability
work we did, we concentrated on saenc produced bitstreams being
read correctly by sfront, because I could get a healthy version
of saenc compiled on my machine, but I was having trouble with
saolc ...


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