Hi Peter,
The code in the FCD reference software is out of date.
You should get the newest code directly from the SA homepage at
http://sound.media.mit.edu/mpeg4. There is also another
implementation that is better for musicians to use from
Berkeley; get that at http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~lazzaro/sa.
-- Eric
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Maas <peter.maas@student-kmt.hku.nl>
To: saol-dev@media.mit.edu <saol-dev@media.mit.edu>
Date: Monday, April 17, 2000 9:37 AM
Subject: saol player
I downloaded the source of a supposed to be mp4-saol player, it should work
but I keep getting the error 'missing values.h', where can I get this
I downloaded the player here:
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