Re: On UDOs and a plea for peace (with apologies to Danny Cohen)

From: Ross Bencina (
Date: Wed May 17 2000 - 05:38:48 EDT

Hi All :-)

Robin Davies wrote:
> I'm of the opinion that the conditional branches in a-rate code
> will prevent SAOL from running in realtime.

Certainly code with conditional branches will not always be able to make
best use of vectorising optimisations, however having a-rate conditional
branching is very useful for certain types of algorithms (particularly those
of a more "algorithmic music" rather than pure dsp nature.)

arate conditionals are one thing that makes SAOL a lot more attractive than
CSound, because to do the same kinds of things in CSound you have to make
krate=arate=1 which disables all vector optimisation, whereas in SAOL only
the code that absolutely can't be vector optimised will suffer - even then
it may not suffer depending on the implementation.

two cents from me,


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