> > [Robin writes]
> >
> > Sfx currently evaluates the sub-guard-rate expressions unconditionally.
> > [Giorgio writes]
> >
> > The k-rate expression, if it is broken into intermediate statements
> > like in saint, generates a k-block inside the a-rate-guarded block.
I may be mistaken here. Giorgio was referring to expressions rather than
statements, and particularly wrt/ expression that provide parameters to core
opcodes that take k-rate or i-rate arguments within a-rate guarded
expressions. The distinction between statements and expressions is an
important one.
Consider the core opcode
aopcode loscil(table tbl, asig cps, ivar basefreq, ivar loopstart, ivar
and the instr code fragment.
if (kTest) {
aResult = loscil(
iBaseFrequency[iSample], // [1]
The argument at [1] is an i-rate expression being evaluated within a k-rate
guard. I believe Giorgio was saying that Saint handles this particular case
by converting the i-rate expression to an assignment to a temporary (e.g. a
hidden assignment "statement" to a temporary). Note that the standard
actually currently forbids use of an i-rate opcode to supply an i-rate
actual argument to loscil so we needn't consider this problem.
Giorgio made the point that it's difficult to forbid the use of i-rate
expressions within k-rate guarded code blocks (well, actually he said k-rate
expressions in a-rate guarded code, but the first suitable example opcode I
found had i-rate arguments).
If the given example were "loscil(tbl[iSample], cps, 1,2,3)" the question to
ask would be this: what "rate" do the constant arguments get evaluated at
(yes yes, I know you and I perform constant folding to solve this case, but
that avoids the fundamental question). Consider how those arguments get
parsed.They are expression. Furthermore, they are I-rate expression. Sure,
they're degenerate expressions, but they still remain i-rate expression. I
don't have code that says "is the expression parse tree deeper than 1?" when
I parse that expression. Do you?
Saint and Sfx produce the same results in this case, primarily because this
particular expression has no side-effects. Sfx converts the expression to an
i-rate assignment that is executed before the guard; saint converts it to an
expression that is evaluted at k-rate inside the guarded code block. The the
results, however, are the same, since the expression doesn't have
side-effects other than to modify hidden temporary variables in both cases.
Giorgio has already stated that Saint won't handle k-rate statements in
a-rate-guarded UDOs (e.g. assignment statements).
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