Since I mentioned it, I thought I might post my 'to do' list,
which is a fairly complete version of what is changing
in 'saolc' right now. It's my goal to have all this
done in about a month.
Things marked with '--' are coded but not tested; things
marked with '++' are coded and tested.
Core opcodes:
-- max(), -- min()
++ sblock()
++ fracdelay()
-- fir(), ++ firt()
-- iir(), -- iirt()
ftsetloop(), ftsetend(), ftsetbase()
++ koscil()
Core table generators:
expseg, cubicseg
spline, polynomial
buzz, concat
Other fixes/not done yet:
FFT bad for non-power of two size; check more thoroughly for all
Sample-rate conversion for input sources is very bad
++ Extend doesn't work
'output' bus -- working?
MIDI controller/preset/channel mapping
return must short-circuit
inchannels and outchannels arrays
Everything 32-bit!
Proper calculation of outchannels
++ Change sfsynth() to sbsynth()
Don't delete unused PF from symbol table, or at least renumber
framevals properly
standard names in UDOs aren't working
kline() promoted to arate?
cpspch() broken -- check rest, too
reading last point from table(data,...);
More than one tabledef on a line
New things:
++ Array return values/parameters/outputs
++ 'kdump', 'adump' debugging statements
++ xopcode rate can be bumped up to enclosing guard rate.
++ table maps
global tuning
++ Encoder/decoder
Complicated nested if-whiles with embedded xopcodes at different
Complicated array-valued function calls with array-valued parameters
and oparrays.
released, extend
Thoroughly test *each* opcode, wavetable generator
Best to all,
-- Eric
-- +-----------------+ | Eric Scheirer |A-7b5 D7b9|G-7 C7|Cb C-7b5 F7#9|Bb |B-7 E7| || < > | 617 253 0112 |A A/G# F#-7 F#-/E|Eb-7b5 D7b5|Db|C7b5 B7b5|Bb| +-----------------+
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