MPEG-4 Structured Audio
Mailing List Archive: saol-users
By Subject
456 messages sorted by:
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Starting: Thu Nov 20 1997 - 11:16:54 EST
Ending: Tue Jan 08 2002 - 13:30:47 EST
- 'saolc' to do list
- (CM) Linux GUI System Survey (Cross-Post)
- (no subject)
- )
- [ANNOUNCE] saolc v. 1.0 (FDIS release) available
- [ANNOUNCE] saolc v. 1.0 (FDIS release) available)
- [new user]
- A couple of questions
- A few orcs and scos
- A few questions about sfront
- a few Windows alpha-testers needed ...
- addenda on sfront 0.56 win issues ...
- also tried on 68ks
- ANN: VisOrc 0.2.12 released
- ANN: VisOrc SAOL 0.2.10 Released
- ANN: VisOrc SAOL beta 0.1.4 released
- ANN: VisOrc SAOL correction
- ANN: VisOrc SAOL Edition 0.2.13 Released
- ANN: VisOrc SAOL edition 0.2.8
- ANN: VisOrc SAOL Edition is now free software
- ANN: VisOrc SAOL v.0.2.4
- ANNOUNCEMENT: Technology Preview Release of the Sfx SAOL Compiler.
- Are the lists active???
- basic synthesis/math question
- C++Sound
- Calculation of filter coefficients given characteristic
- Compatibility testing
- Compiling with VC++ 5.0
- Compressor again
- Compressors continued
- controller lines
- CPS Announcement MPEG-4 SA
- CPS Announcement MPEG-4 SA)
- CPS version 1.1 update
- cpuload and ...
- csound conversion
- Csound to SAOL conversion
- did some more @ mac
- Draft copy of new MP4-SA book chapter ...
- Effects/SASL/Dynamic instr MIDI easedropping ...
- FFT & iFFT
- Final Committee Draft now available
- FM Instrument Design using GCC Preprocessor
- foscil opcode
- good MPEG-4 article ...
- Hello!
- Help
- help for a degree thesis
- Help protect the MP4 name from being trademarked???
- Hi i'm new, a few questions
- Hi! mareK on-air now...
- History ...
- Convert your videos into flash format!
- Hy - a new list-member ;-)
- I am new here
- I'm in Heaven!
- IEEE Mohonk WASPAA01 - Call for Papers
- imports/exports and multiple instances
- inchan/outchan vs inchannels/outchannels
- Instrument design
- introducing me
- is somebody using sfront on Darwin?
- joining mailing list
- Joystick
- Keeping real-time instruments alive
- ksig & asig
- lag with linmidi-example
- laser toner
- Linux compilation
- linux enhancements for sfront 0.62: under the hood
- Linux GUI System Survey (Cross-Post)
- little SAOL piece
- looking for other saol users
- Mac Carbon compilation update ...
- Mac OS X Carbon test programs for sfront
- made it ! was sfront@mac
- MIDI NoteOff velocity
- Midi sampler
- Mp4 forum
- MPEG 4 Systems ...
- MPEG 4-SA for audio compression?
- MPEG-4 Structured Audio: status update
- New job for Eric
- New member --- intro
- New modified WIN32 version of saolc
- New release of 'saolc'
- New to the list
- New to the mailing list
- new user
- New VOSAOL docs
- News and announcements
- opcode library
- OS/2 port of 'saolc' available
- our own Yahoo subcategory ...
- Paper and slides available: "Generalized Audio Coding"
- papers on sfront
- parsing bugs?
- patching, dynamic routing, et al.
- phases in grain
- port()
- Porting instruments from Csound
- Pure drivel
- QOrchestra Project Specification
- QOrchestra: important update
- Question on "Statement never runs" Warning...
- Question on Licensing
- Question on Statement
- Quicktime 3.0?
- Real Time???
- Reluctantly need to unsub
- rendering
- Request for info wrt/ Sfx Installations
- rpm and deb sfront testers needed ...
- runtime-vs-static-compilation benchmarks: lessons for SAOL?
- SA links page available
- SAINT demonstrator
- Saol acceptance.
- Saol acceptance.)
- SAOL core opcode reference page
- SAOL status?
- SAOL tokenisation
- SAOL User Page updated
- saol-users mailing list
- saol/sasl quick reference
- saolc problem
- Seed in random generation opcodes.
- sending control changes to specific opcodes
- sfront 0.44 released
- sfront 0.46 11/16/99 released
- sfront 0.47 11/21/99 released
- sfront 0.48 released, 11/22/99
- sfront 0.49 12/4/99 released
- sfront 0.50 12/17/99 released
- sfront 0.51 01/01/00 released
- sfront 0.53 01/12/00 released
- sfront 0.54 01/27/00 released
- sfront 0.55 02/12/00 released
- sfront 0.56 03/6/00 released
- sfront 0.56 update ...
- sfront 0.57 03/08/00 released
- sfront 0.58 04/17/00 released
- sfront 0.59 05/06/00 released
- sfront 0.60 05/07/00 released
- sfront 0.61 05/28/00 released
- sfront 0.62 07/05/00 released
- sfront 0.63 07/10/00 released
- sfront 0.64 08/02/00 released
- sfront 0.65 09/07/00
- sfront 0.66 09/08/00 released
- sfront 0.67 09/09/00 released
- sfront 0.68 10/28/00 released
- sfront 0.69 2/18/01 released
- sfront 0.70 2/20/01 released
- sfront 0.71 3/29/01 released
- sfront 0.72 7/10/01 released
- sfront 0.73 8/02/01 released
- sfront 0.75 released
- sfront 0.76 9/23/01 released
- sfront 0.77 released
- sfront 0.78 10/23/01 released
- sfront 0.79 11/04/01 released
- sfront development
- sfront drivers and other topics
- sfront on Darwin?
- sfront on RH7
- Sfront Preprocessing
- Sfront v0.36 8/20/99 release ...
- sfront v0.37 8/27/99 released
- sfront website updates
- signal array usage
- Silence version 6 is available
- sound FX generator
- Steven Curtin: Waveshaping?
- Strangeness with networking example...
- subscribe
- subscription change
- successful -aout mac_carbon reports?
- Suscribing... (fwd)
- synth book
- test
- TEST please ignore
- test sco/orc
- testing Windows drivers in sfront 0.76 ...
- Thailand
- The 'grain' unit generator
- The Big Compile
- Things I would like to see
- toner
- Tools to make music be interactive
- units for "dur" standard name etc.
- unsubscribe
- unsubsrcibe
- upcoming seminar RA-G2/MBONE broadcast
- User defined opcodes
- Using tablemap's in opcodes
- VisOrc SAOL Documentation
- vowels demo
- Welcome!
- which one to print out?
- who/what
- whoami
- WIN32 builds of saolc and sfront
- Windows sfront & gcc binaries available
- Works in Saolc but not sfront...
- updated/new software
Last message date: Tue Jan 08 2002 - 13:30:47 EST
Archived on: Mon Jan 28 2002 - 11:46:44 EST
456 messages sorted by:
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: Mon Jan 28 2002 - 11:46:44 EST