Re: signal array usage

From: Ross Bencina (
Date: Sat Oct 16 1999 - 10:40:27 EDT

Thanks Eric,
I don't really mind either way, I was just getting confused trying to
understand the standard. Now I am clear.


Eric Scheirer wrote:

>Hi Ross,
>>asig stereoIn[2],stereoOut[2];
>>stereoOut = flange( stereoIn );
>This is not directly legal -- core opcodes always take
>scalar arguments. One thing to do would be to write
>a wrapper function as a user-defined opcode that does
>the vector processing.
>Loop-based vector processing can be done as
>asig x[2],y[2],i;
>oparray flange[2];
>i = 0; while (i < 2) {
> y[i] = flange[i](x[i]);
> i = i + 1;
>Note that the semantics are subtly different than you
>requested -- rather than one multi-channel flanger, this
>is an array of single-channel flangers. The effect will
>be the same though.
>Vectorized core opcodes are something that really should
>have been in SAOL, and are tops on my list for the first
>time we do improvements to the language. It was a mistake
>not to include this functionality once arrays of singles
>and opcodes were available -- it would make for incredibly
>efficient compilation, too!
> -- Eric

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