units for "dur" standard name etc.

From: Ross Bencina (rossb@audiomulch.com)
Date: Sat Oct 23 1999 - 14:45:58 EDT

Hi, a couple of questions:

Is the value of dur. measured in seconds or beats? It would be useful if stated this explicitly.

which of the following Is the correct interpretation of

A. when the tempo changes, the remaining duration of all currently
instansiated notes is scaled according to the tempo delta, _except_ those
that have been extend()ed.

B. note durations consist of the sum of two segments, the initial segment
and the extended segment. The initial segment is the duration as initially
scheduled - this portion of a note duration is subject to subsequent scaling
by tempo changes. The extended segment is initially zero, but may be
increased by call(s) to extend() - the extended segment is always measured
in seconds and is not effected by tempo changes. The reserved name dur
represents the value of initial+extended at the time that it is evaluated.

C. other.



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