new user

From: Dave Phillips (
Date: Tue Nov 02 1999 - 12:52:32 EST


  My name is Dave Phillips, I've just joined this list, and the cover
message says I should say a little bit about myself.

  I'm a Csound user from years ago, I'm active in the development and
promotion of audio and music software for Linux, maintaining the Linux
Soundapps site and occasionally taking part in porting and other
development projects.

  I'm currently writing a book about music and sound software for Linux.
It will be published by the No Starch Press in the Spring of 2000. I
also contributed some material to Richard Boulanger's upcoming book on

  I've been a performing musician for more than 35 years (I'll be 49 in
January 2000). My background includes classical guitar studies with
Jerry Willard and Sophocles Papas, and composition studies with Michael
Jon Fink. My involvement with computers and music goes back to 1985,
when I first heard a demo of MIDI music on an MS-DOS machine. I've been
using Linux for a little more than three years, it's all I use now
(except for having to use Word97 in Win95 for the sake of my publisher).

  I'm also an avid t'ai chi player, something I started doing 20 years

  So I'm probably on the far end of the bell-curve of age around here,
but I do look forward to learning more about SAOL. Thanks to Eric for
directing me here !

== Dave Phillips

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