Re: Suscribing... (fwd)

From: Nicolas Leveille. (
Date: Fri Nov 19 1999 - 07:25:45 EST

Hello All,

I'm a student in Software Engineering, doing music as a hobby and
especially interested by the mpeg-4/sa for its portability/versatility.
I've got some basic scientific background, and played with csound, although
I've always had difficulties to bare its (imo wrong) syntax.

I'm interested mainly in distributing tunes in saol/sasl, as I find it
a more satisfying medium than a streamed format like mp3. (I'm used to
release music in the good old amateur modules formats)

I'm also interested in the mpeg4/sa software developement, but more as
an observer (mailing-list lurker) than a participant (mostly because of
lack of time/skills)

-Nicolas L\'eveill\'e

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