sfront 0.49 12/4/99 released

From: John Lazzaro (
Date: Sat Dec 04 1999 - 15:38:04 EST

Pick up sfront 0.49 12/4/99 at:

From the change log:

Version 0.49 -- 12/04/99 (download)

[1] Optimizations of
several core opcodes:
buzz, aline, kline,
aexpon, and kexpon.

[2] Imports tables are
now implemented as
imports exports tables
when it is safe to do so.


Here's how these optimzations impact two of the test programs, pc.saol and vowels.saol, run on a 450Mhz PIII under linux:


sfront 0.48 sfront 0.49

/usr/bin/time -p ./sa /usr/bin/time -p ./sa

real 7.50 real 1.14 user 7.49 user 1.14 sys 0.00 sys 0.00


sfront 0.48 sfront 0.49

/usr/bin/time -p ./sa /usr/bin/time -p ./sa

real 63.30 real 39.49 user 63.08 user 39.31 sys 0.20 sys 0.17

The buzz() opcode optimizations are the most interesting, the buzz opcode created band-limited pulse waveforms that can vary dynamically at the k-rate by changing three parameters (the first and last harmonic to sum, and a parameter that sets the rolloff of the spectrum). The optimized version of buzz() computes samples in a manner independent of the values of the three parameters, by using a series summation. See the code for details ...


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