sfront 0.50 12/17/99 released

From: John Lazzaro (
Date: Fri Dec 17 1999 - 15:04:47 EST

Pick up sfront version 0.50 12/17/99 at:

From the change log:

Version 0.50 -- 12/17/99

[1] The code sfront
generates for wavetable
data structures has been
improved, and many core
opcodes and language
elements run faster as
a result.

[2] Many bug fixes: nested
oparrays of user-defined
opcodes now work correctly,
a specialop bug that broke
the linux/linvoc example is
fixed, and complex wavetable
generators now work correctly.
Thanks to Dan Ellis and
Reynald Hoskinson.


The fundamental change here is that the
"imports exports table" functionality in
the code sfront generates, which used to
be done by passing a pointer, is now done
statically -- for each use of a table,
sfront figures out the actual data structure
being accessed, and creates a hard access
to the table. Only in cases where the table
to be used is dynamically determined (i.e.
tablemap indexes) are tables passed as a

The net result is that accessing a table now
requires one less pointer indirection, which
speeds up all table-related code. In the
rewriting that resulted from this change (about
20% of the lines in sfront were changed between
0.49 and 0.50), many table-related speedups were
also added -- for example, a tablemap index whose
index is at i-rate or k-rate is now rate-optimized.

Some benchmark numbers for example SAOL programs
for 0.49 and 0.50, all benchmarks run under Linux
on a 450 Mhz PIII, times are in seconds:

example 0.49 0.50 %speedup
beat.saol 6.66 6.07 8%
PC.saol 39.33 37.22 5%
elpelele 275.40 272.20 1%

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