I'm doing my final year project in DCU (IRELAND) and I'm using saol.
What I have to do is code music so that it can be played using saol.
I'm using a program called SMS ot extract data (ie frequency components)
from audio file. Then using a matlab program I match the frequencies I
wish to play and then produce a sasl file like this
0.00000 vtone 0.0025 0.0627 0.0625
0.00251 vtone 0.0025 0.0625 0.0628
: : : : :
: : : : :
: : : : :
: : : : :
: : : : :
: : : : :
: : : : :
: : : : :
1.50 end
The problem I am having is that I need to change the frequency being
played every 2.5ms. This causes a discontinuity problem in the output
wave. What I need to do is start the next instance of the instr using the
last values of the asig variables X and Y (used to create the sine wave).
I have tried to use global variables but no joy due to the fact that
global variables can not be asig. Here is the saol code that I have been
using. Can you PLEASE HELP ME.
srate 44100; // CD-quality
krate 4410; // 417 us
instr vtone (startfreq , endfreq)
// declaration
// envelope settings
ivar atime;
ivar rtime;
// internal env state
ivar attack;
ivar release;
ivar sustain;
ivar a; // sets osc frequency
ivar b;
ivar c;
ksig env; // env output
asig x, y, z; // osc state
asig init;
// computing starts here
a = startfreq; // Start frequency
b = endfreq; // end frequency
c = (b-a)/s_rate; // incremental value
atime = 0.1; // attack time (s)
rtime = 0.1; // decay time (s)
// computes envelope state
if ( dur > atime + rtime)
attack = atime;
release = rtime;
sustain = dur - atime - rtime;
attack = dur/2;
release = dur/2;
sustain = 0.2;
env = kline(0, attack, 1, sustain, 1, release, 0);
// loop happens srate time per second
// Therefor for interpolation increment (b-a)/44100 each loop cycle
// to gain straigh line (frequency) interpolation.
if (init == 0)
x = 0.25;
init = 1;
z = z + c;
x = x - (a+z)*y;
y = y + (a+z)*x;
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