From: Peter van der Noord (peter.vandernoord@student-kmt.hku.nl)
Date: Mon Apr 03 2000 - 08:38:36 EDT


We have a question about FFT and iFFT. With the following code, we manage to reproduce a given sample.

    srate 44100;
    krate 100;

 instr tone()

      // variable declaration
      table re(empty,8192); // values from fft
      table im(empty,8192);
      table mod(empty,8192); // for modified values
      table modim(empty,8192);

      table w(window,8192,2); // window envelope

      asig y, z;

      ksig flag, i;

      table voice(sample,-1,"highvolume.wav"); // sample to be edited

      y = doscil(voice);
      flag = fft(y, re, im, 8192, 1024, 8192, w); // actual fft.....


    while(i < 4096)

            tablewrite (mod, i, tableread(re, i)); // writing the mod and modim tables
            tablewrite (modim, i, tableread(im,i));

            i = i + 1;

       i = 0;

       z = ifft(mod,modim,8192, 1024, 8192, w); // reconstruction via inverse fft


This works, we get a good reconstruction with this code. But when we change the while-loop into:
        while(i < 4096)

            tablewrite (mod, i, tableread(re, i)); // writing the mod and modim tables
            tablewrite (modim, i, tableread(im,i));

            tablewrite (mod, i + 1, 0); // writing the mod and modim tables
            tablewrite (modim, i + 1, 0);

            i = i + 2;

With this code, we wanted to copy all the data at the even-numbered indexes, and putting all data at the the odd-numbered indexes to 0. We thought we could put all even harmonics (index 0 gives the dc-offset, so index 1 is the first harmonic) to zero with this change, but this is not what happened.

Can anybody explain what it is that happens here and what we should do to put (for example) all even harmonics to zero?

Peter Maas
Peter van der Noord

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