Re: Compiling with VC++ 5.0

From: Richard Dobson (
Date: Tue Apr 04 2000 - 05:35:17 EDT

What version of DirectSound ( and DirectX) do you have? IIRC, the DS
support in sfront now requires DX v6 or later.

Richard Dobson

Martin Marier wrote:
> Hi list,
> I'm new to SAOL (slowly converting from Csound) and I'm havong problems
> compiling the outputs of sfront when it has the -aout dsound flag. I know I
> need to link my sa.o file with dxguid.lib and dsound.lib, but I'm always
> getting these errors :
> (These are on the command line, but I get same ones compiling in VC++ 's
> GUI)
> C:\audio\SAOL\sfront\examples\speedt>cl speedtrealtime.c dsound.lib
> dxguid.lib
> Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 11.00.7022 for 80x86
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-1997. All rights reserved.
> speedtrealtime.c
> speedtrealtime.c(724) : error C2282: 'LPDIRECTSOUNDNOTIFY' is followed by
> 'lpDsNotify' (missing ','?)
> speedtrealtime.c(726) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '{' before '*'
> speedtrealtime.c(803) : warning C4029: declared formal parameter list

Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page! (LU: 17th September 1999)
CDP: (LU: 23rd February 2000)

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