Seed in random generation opcodes.

From: Martin Marier (marierm@MAGELLAN.UMontreal.CA)
Date: Mon Apr 10 2000 - 16:07:20 EDT

Hi list,

        Being used to work with Csound, I was a little surprised by the fact that
there are no seed arguments in any of the random generation opcodes. Can
anyone explain why the opcodes are designed so, and how I can "emulate" the
seed arguments (so that all my random calls won't create the serie).

        Big thanks to all of you !!

For those who are interested:

        Since last wednesday, SAOL works perfectly on my machine (a celeron 300a
overclocked at 450 under win98se). To edit my .SAOL and .SASL files, I use
Csound editor ( , a very nice (and
free!) Csound editor for windows created by Flavio Tordini. Csound editor
calls a batch file wich looks like this :

sfront -orc %1.saol -sco %1.sasl -o %1.c -aout dsound
cl %1.c dsound.lib dxguid.lib user32.lib

        That's it.

Martin Marier.

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