
From: John Littler (jlittler@nirvanet.net)
Date: Thu Apr 20 2000 - 22:37:06 EDT

quoting Eric Scheirer:

> Please send a short mail to the list explaining who you
> are and what you want to do with SAOL!
Hi All,
I run a website concerned with Linux and Music, and
making music with Linux and I'm also working on a
Linux "music" distribution which will be aimed at
new users. I'm a musician as well (though not very active
at the moment).
Well, SAOL looks really interesting from both a musician's
and a web developer's point of view. I have to say that
for making music I generally like high level tools so I
haven't had any experience with csound or comparable
software... but I'll have a play with it and it'll be
interesting to see what others are doing or planning
to do.


http://linuxmusic.cjb.net pgp public key @ http://www.crosswinds.net/~linuxmusic/pubring.html

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