Re: Effects/SASL/Dynamic instr MIDI easedropping ...

From: John Lazzaro (
Date: Sat Apr 29 2000 - 21:33:07 EDT

Yes, the preset-based easedropping turned out to be harder to
implement that I had thought, your alternative looks like a better
idea (I didn't realize there was a "master channel" concept in MIDI
...) ... I should look at the ideas further before committing to them,
but just by reading them over quickly,

This part looks OK:

> 1) All effect instruments and all SASL-instantiated instruments will be
> connected to the MIDI master channel, determined as described in section
> (2).

> 2) If the orchestra is running with real-time MIDI input, the MIDI master
> channel is channel zero of the real-time MIDI input channnel by default,
> although implementations may allow this to be
> selected as a configuration parameter.

This part:

> If the orchestra is running without a real-time MIDI input, then the MIDI
> master channel will be channel zero of the first MIDI stream within the MPEG
> file.
> If an orchestra is running with both real-time MIDI input *and* MPEG
> streaming MIDI input, then non-MIDI instruments will be connected to channel
> zero of the real-time channel bank; midi control messages on channel zero of
> the first MIDI stream within the MPEG file will *not* affect MIDI controller
> settings on non-MIDI instruments.

May need some clarification -- according to my reading of 5.5.2's text
following the class midi_event and midi_file definitions, as well as
5.14's various discussions, it seemed to me (and sfront currently
implements) independent extended channel number spaces for a midi_file
that may be in StructuredAudioSpecificConfig and midi_events that may
be in any SA_access_units. So, you'd need to specify which takes
precedence in the case of no real-time MIDI input, but both a
midi_file in StructuredAudioSpecificConfig and midi_events in

This part:

> 1) MIDI NRPNs 128 to 257 control the values of the AudioBifs parameters[128]
> array. (accessible using the 'parameters' standard name).

I guess linmidi could have a mode where it implements this mapping for
params[] if there's demand for it -- I'm guessing that there will end
up being a more popular usage for params[] that will end up being the
default mapping for sfront in general, though ...


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