Re: subscribe

Date: Mon May 22 2000 - 19:38:27 EDT

On Mon, 22 May 2000, Eric Scheirer wrote:

> Please send a short mail to the list explaining who you
> are and what you want to do with SAOL!

My name is Ed Borasky. By day I am a computer performance engineer for a
large corporation. But nights and weekends, my hobbies and interests
include computational finance and computer music. I am getting back into
computer music after a long absence (about 18 years if my memory is
correct.) My interest is mainly as a composer rather than as a developer
of tools for other composers.

What do I want to do with SAOL? Well, as another composer pointed out to
me recently, there are many fewer instruments available in SAOL than there
are in CSound. Given that I am essentially starting from scratch, that
isn't particulary a problem for me. What I need is a fairly rapid way of
designing and evaluating instruments and the sounds they produce. I have
CPS, which will eventually have SAOL output capabilities. And I have
saolc, sfront, saint and of course CSound. I guess the answer is "I want
to do in SAOL what others have been doing in CSound for quite a few

What kind of compositions do I plan? One of the recurring themes in the
music I have written is "found music", specifically, the sounds that
computers make when they are at work. Given that computers are a whole lot
faster today than they used to be, capturing this music is much more
difficult than it used to be. It used to be that you could take a cheap
transistor radio into a computer room, hang a tape deck on the earphone
jack, and be on your way. Not any more; if you want your computer to make
sounds while it is at work you have to be a little more creative. :-)

> John Lazzaro of the UC Berkeley has written an excellent
> tutorial on the use of SAOL. You can find it on the WWW
> at:

Do you suppose John could be persuaded to make a ZIP archive of the whole
book and place that on the web page for downloading? If you use a web page
capture utility, you get links to the entire UC Berkeley CS staff and
numerous other extraneous pages. I have plenty of space on my notebook
(since I haven't made any WAVs yet :-).

-- (M. Edward Borasky)

If they named a street after Picabo Street, would it be called Picabo Street, Street Street or Picabo Street Street?

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