Reluctantly need to unsub

From: Batz Goodfortune (
Date: Mon May 22 2000 - 22:28:35 EDT

Y-ellow Y'all.
        Sorry to have to write to the list like this but I've had my computers
stolen and I'm hanging here by a thread on an 18 month old disk image from
an entirely different machine. The fact that I'm doing email at all is a
miracle in it self.

because this thing could fall into a screaming heap any time, I really need
to unsub. Lest my mail box floweth over. But of course I don't have any
subscription information on file anywhere any more. If someone would be so
kind as to tell me how to sub/unsub I'd most appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.

Be absolutely Icebox.

 _ __ _
| "_ \ | | /
| |_)/ __ _| |_ ____ ALL ELECTRIC KITCHEN
| _ \ / _` | __|___ | The Elementary Urban sanity CD
| |_) | (_| | |_ / / out now on Transmission Communications
|_,__/ \__,_|\__|/ /
                / ,__
Goodfortune |_____|

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