Help protect the MP4 name from being trademarked???

From: Sjaak (
Date: Thu May 25 2000 - 16:51:03 EDT

hi everyone...

We (from read this article at the mpeg-4 industry forum:

We don't understand...what happens now. Will mpeg-4 audio get another
extention (not .mp4)??
And does somebody have an idea what that extension would be? Where a
bit confused here.

Tako Steinz
Peter Maas
Peter van der Noord

aswer from John Lazzaro:

> Good questions -- I bet Eric, Giorgio, and the gang know the answer,
>since they are on the internal mailing lists, ect. So, I'd suggest
>posting the question to saol-users and see what they say. There is
>case law about file-name extensions -- someone got a trademark on
>the .arc extension for file compression, and forced everyone to not
>use it. And that's how .zip files came to be ... this was 15 years ago
>now I guess, the guy who named .zip just died a few weeks ago.

>So its not out of the question they could actually come after
>if I didn't change sfront not to recognize .mp4 extensions, but
>the odds of that happening seem really low ...


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