ANN: VisOrc SAOL beta 0.1.4 released

From: Dave Perry (
Date: Thu Jun 01 2000 - 17:25:09 EDT

Dear SAOL users and colleagues,

        Following the initial release of VisOrc SAOL edition I would like to thank
the great many people who responded with all the positive feedback and
suggestions. I have now thrashed out a good deal of bugs from the first
version and have just put it online for download. This may be the first
some of you have heard about VisOrc SAOL, especially some of those on the
SAOL-users mailing list so for an introduction to this new GUI please visit.

        This page is also the beginning of some fledgling documentation for the
whole project. It explains the basic features of VisOrc including how to
work with busses and instruments, manipulate objects in the ORC and SCO and
create User Defined opcodes and instruments.

        There is also a new screenshot available, showing the included 'bell'
project and its score window. The project explorer is also visible on the
left of the screen. (54k)

        One of the biggest problems in the first release was the lack of any core
opcode templates and this is quickly being addressed. The new version
contains many new units including support for If, If...Else and while
structures in either code or window form (ie. the conditional statements can
be code or graphical in a new window). I will be posting new core opcodes,
UD opcodes and instrument templates to the visorc mailing list as they
become available so if you enjoy VisOrc SAOL I encourage you to join this
low-volume list.

        to join send a mail to with the text
"subscribe visorc" (without quotes) in the *message body*

         There are two downloads available from the web. There is a full
installation package for those who did not download the first release and a
much smaller upgrade pack for those that did - so take your pick.

        Here's the Full install (7Mb)

        and here's the upgrade (900k)

        The upgrade is a zip file, there are installation instruction in the file

Please drop me a line while you are downloading and contact me if you have
questions or comments,

With best wishes

David Perry

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