(no subject)

From: integer@www.god-emil.dk
Date: Wed Jun 14 2000 - 23:21:19 EDT

>CPS version 1.1 is out, which has several new features and changes
>requested by users. New features include an easy presetManager, a
>'scoretoDisk' MPEG4 score writer, a serial port object (automatic polling),
>'weak references' to subpatches, filters with resonance, MIDI file I/O,
>lots of predefined macro's, etc. For developers: you can now also 'Save as
>.java' and 'Save as .cpp', so you can use the engine only of CPS in your
>own program (Java 1.0 compliant or C++) through the new StandAlone SDK. The
>graphical interface is extended with new features like support for arrow
>keys, assigning colors and size, easier creating of wires, etc. etc.
>CPS is a graphical environment where by placing blocks and wires, realtime
>software 'machines' can be created. CPS offers lots of audio processing
>blocks including MPEG-4 Structured Audio core opcodes and generators, and
>has also lots of objects to control and generate realtime I/O like MIDI,
>joystick, sensors, etc. You can read more info online in the manual and in
>the F.A.Q.'s.
>The shareware version is full-functional, and loading/saving patches is not
>disabled. You can download it at http://www.bonnevile.nl/cps including the
>Best regards,
>Niels Gorisse





Netochka Nezvanova
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