> Is Saol (going to be) accepted?
Sometimes standards take a long time to find the right audience --
GIF89a is the classic example, an animated GIF standard that needed
to wait until the world needed animated GIFs (web banner ads) to
take off. xDSL technologies had a long period before adoption, etc.
I think SA may play out the same way -- its been almost 2 years
since the ratification of the FDIS, and while for a software
product that's long enough to assume its dead, for a standard, it
may just mean that the right application hasn't come along yet.
Personally ...
> How many people are working with it or are developing software for it?
I think the right application revolves around combining SA with
IETF multimedia networking standards -- RTP, SIP, SDP, QoS methods,
etc. This is the current direction the research is going with sfront,
and hopefully we'll be doing a sfront releases in a few months with
usable networking ... as well as the usual bug-fix releases ...
> I asked myself because there is so little activity on this list.
Our website is usually in the top-10 of bandwidth users for cs.berkeley.edu,
which does web services for a pretty big CS department ... so, by
that metric at least, Structured Audio seems to still have active
users checking out the topic ...
John Lazzaro -- Research Specialist -- CS Division -- EECS -- UC Berkeley
lazzaro [at] cs [dot] berkeley [dot] edu www.cs.berkeley.edu/~lazzaro
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