Re: building sfront @ OS9 was Re:sfront on Darwin?

Date: Sun Feb 04 2001 - 14:05:16 EST

this is my as quick as possible reply 2
what John has kindly researched and sent to me
forgot 2 send the original Q to the list
thought that i had to share this info
with os9 users on this list

thanx john
the research on my side
is not completed (excuse me)
but here are some thing i've already experienced

> It looks like you want to build sfront as either an "SIOW"
> application or an "MPW Tool" -- here's an excerpt from:
> That explains what's going on:
> ---
> To build your own programs, use the "Create Build Commands" and
> "Build" items in the Build menu. Select the "SIOW App." radio button
> to build your program as an SIOW (Simple Input/Output Window) application.
> The SIOW package enables your program to interact with the user through a
> simple window and to exhibit, at least partially, typical Macintosh
> appearance and behavior. See Chapter 15 in the "Building and
> Managing Programs in MPW" manual for more information about SIOW applications.

"SIOW" compile could make the app
that'll give a window by double-click
help info inside of it
but won't let me type anything

so i tried

> You can also build your program as an MPW tool. To do this, use the
> "Create Build Commands" item in the Build menu and select the "Tool"
> radio button. Your program will be built as an MPW tool which can then
> be executed from the MPW worksheet by simply typing the name of the
> tool and pressing the Enter key. Since the MPW Shell provides a
> command-line environment, your program can display output and retrieve
> input from the MPW worksheet. Note that you must press the Enter key
> instead of the Return key to send input to your program and that the
> entire line is sent as input. For this reason, program output such as
> prompts should always end with a newline ('\n') character so that any
> input can be entered on its own line.

and got the tool
saol's manual tells the Linux-users to
"copy /usr/doc/sfront/examples to your home directory"
but i couldn't imagine what it would mean to mac people
simply changed the CD to example/min/
via MPW's menu
and did

sfront -orc min.saol -sco min.sasl -aout min.aif

MPW told me that there are no tool named "sfront"
so i copied the compiled thing to the example/min/ and did the same

now sa.c came out but not with min.aif
now i'll have to study how to handle this sa.c buy my MPW
(don't know if this sa.c itself is a successful one ... so will report later)
but anyway
also tried


but the result was like this:

---from here---

# Error: Line is not a dependency or variable definition line
File Makefile; Line 51

# Error: Command line not following dependency line
File Makefile; Line 52

# Error: Command line not following dependency line
File Makefile; Line 53

# Error: Command line not following dependency line
File Makefile; Line 54

# Error: Line is not a dependency or variable definition line
File Makefile; Line 60

# Error: Command line not following dependency line
File Makefile; Line 61

# Error: Command line not following dependency line
File Makefile; Line 62

# Error: Command line not following dependency line
File Makefile; Line 63

# Error: Command line not following dependency line
File Makefile; Line 64

# Error: Command line not following dependency line
File Makefile; Line 65

# Error: Command line not following dependency line
File Makefile; Line 66

# Error: Command line not following dependency line
File Makefile; Line 67

# Error: Line is not a dependency or variable definition line
File Makefile; Line 72

# Error: Command line not following dependency line
File Makefile; Line 73

# Error: Line is not a dependency or variable definition line
File Makefile; Line 75

# Error: Command line not following dependency line
File Makefile; Line 76

# Error: Line is not a dependency or variable definition line
File Makefile; Line 81

# Error: Command line not following dependency line
File Makefile; Line 82

# Error: Line is not a dependency or variable definition line
File Makefile; Line 90

# Error: Command line not following dependency line
File Makefile; Line 91

# Error: Line is not a dependency or variable definition line
File Makefile; Line 93

# Error: Command line not following dependency line
File Makefile; Line 94

# Fatal error:
make - Execution terminated!

--- to here ---

some more thing i found
was that
sample_1.aif things @ othere examples
we're not able to open from my QuickTime4
SoundHack could open but couldn't play

> One more thing, from looking around the MPW website, the memory
> manager on the Mac really doesn't like C programs that use the
> standard memory allocations (malloc, etc) that sfront uses. Things
> will still work, but you may find that when you're done using
> sfront, there's less memory around for "normal" Mac apps to use
> (sfront can be run many times and can reuse the memory,
> but the other apps can no longer get to it). The practical result
> is you may need to reboot after you done using MPW and sfront and
> want to go back to use other Mac apps, unless you have a lot of
> memory on your system ...

this ain't causing trouble 2 me at this moment

ultra thanx and super excuse me 2 john
for taking your time

BUYO-BUYO-IGOR --- @ SaRiGaMa's Oil Vending Orchestra ---
a mailing-list 4 people living in Tokyo

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