more reports on trying things @ mac
> [1] First, try all of the examples one by one, and see
> which ones crash. Perhaps these crashes are actually
> sfront bugs, which are the result of being not strictly
> ANSI C compliant in some way which wasn't caught on
> UNIX and Windows.
not all but did a bit more example sfontings
as you might have guessed
sample-less things such as
"beat" & "vowels"
went fine
and made me wish to write the saol&sasl by myself
visited your
but was tolded that i'm not allowed to get in
no manuals 4
"writing saol&sasl" things
at this moment?
> [2] Each example has a SASL file, that contains an
> "end" statement. By changing the end time to be small
> (say, 2 or 3 seconds) you can make small output files
> of just the beginning of the piece.
this worked to sfront the
"claps" things
but what can i do
if i want to work with multiple sample files required
since i ran into
> Error: sfront only processes one -ain file/device
sfront -orc elpelele.saol -sco elpelele.sasl
and it gave a crash
sfront -orc elpelele.saol -sco elpelele.sasl -ain samp_7.aif
gave birth 2 a .wav file but it contained no event(sound)
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