IEEE Mohonk WASPAA01 - Call for Papers

From: Youngmoo Kim (
Date: Tue Mar 27 2001 - 13:27:15 EST

Apologies to those who receive multiple copies of this message.


            ********** CALL FOR PAPERS ***********

            2001 IEEE Workshop on Applications of
           Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics

                    Mohonk Mountain House
                     New Paltz, New York
                     October 21-24, 2001


The 2001 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing
to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA'01) will be held at the Mohonk
Mountain House in New Paltz, New York. The workshop is sponsored
by the Audio & Electroacoustics committee of the IEEE Signal
Processing Society. The objective of the two-and-a-half day
workshop is to provide an informal environment for the discussion
of problems in audio and acoustics and the signal processing
techniques applied to these problems. Technical sessions will
be scheduled in the morning and before and after dinner. Afternoons
will be left free for outdoor activities or informal meetings
among workshop participants.

Papers describing research and new concepts are solicited for
technical sessions on, but not limited to, the following topics:

* Active Echo and Noise Control
* Audio Coding
* Aids for Auditory Impairment
* Room Acoustics
* Array Processing for Transducers
* Sound Analysis and Synthesis
* Audio Content Analysis and Processing
* Spatial Perception and Processing
* Audio Perception and Quality Evaluation
* Sound Editing, Restoration, and Enhancement
* Audio Source Separation (Auditory Scene Analysis)
* Surround Sound, 3-D Sound
* Electronic Music
* Virtual Acoustics
* Internet Audio and Applications
* Time-Frequency Analysis and Filterbanks
* Audio Watermarking, Techniques and Countermeasures
* VLSI Hardware and Software for Audio & Telecommunications

Authors may e-mail an attachment containing a ps or pdf version
of their submission directly to, or
post a floppy disk to the technical program chair. If you will
not be submitting your paper via email, please post early and
use a guaranteed shipping service, to ensure you will still make
the deadline. We will acknowledge your submission by return email
or post. Submissions should include authors' names, addresses,
affiliations, electronic mail address, telephone, and facsimile
numbers. Papers should be in final form, and are to be no more
than four pages in length. Accepted papers will form the published
workshop proceedings. Submissions may contain audio/visual
demonstrations that will be included in the CD-ROM Proceedings.
For more details and template files, see the web page at or contact the publications

Submission of four-page paper: May 15, 2001
Acceptance notification: June 21, 2001
Early Registration until: August 15, 2001

Workshop Committee:

General Chair: Perry R. Cook, Princeton CS/Music
                          35 Olden St. Princeton, NJ, USA 08540
                          Tel: +001 (609) 258-4951
                          Fax: +001 (609) 258-1771

Technical Program Chair: Malcolm Slaney, IBM Almaden Research,
                          San Jose, CA USA

Finance/Registrations: Bryan George, The MITRE Corporation,
                          McLean, VA USA

Publications/Publicity: Youngmoo Kim, MIT Media Lab,
                          Cambridge, MA USA

Local Arrangements: Michael Brandstein, Harvard University,
                          Cambridge, MA USA

Youngmoo Kim
Machine Listening Group
MIT Media Lab

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