SDIF viewer available for Windows

From: Richard Dobson (
Date: Mon Feb 28 2000 - 19:11:49 EST

The new software recently made available from the SMS site included the
program SDIFDisplay, available under the GNU GPL licence with sources
for unix platforms. This may be useful in conjunction with the sdif2mp4

I have made an initial build for Windows, with one change to enable the
program to read an SDIF file containing a single matrix type. The
program supports 1FQ0,1TRC, and 1STF types (the original program
expected to find one of each type in the one file, as output from the
main SMS software, and would crash if presented with, for example, a
1TRC file). Accordingly, in the display they are annotated as Pitch,
Sinusoids, and Residual. You can scroll and zoom into the data, which is
presented in (variable) colour in quasi-sonogram format. No numeric
information is presented.

I have changed the name to SDIFVIEW, limiting the name to 8 characters
to suit the DOS commandline environment. I have not made any other
changes to fit the program to the Windows environment; in particular, it
does not know about DOS drive letters; though the full path can be typed
into the file selector box.

The executable and sources (with project files for Visual C++ v5.0) can
be downloaded from the page:

The sources require the fltk graphics toolkit.

Richard Dobson

Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page! (LU: 17th September 1999)
CDP: (LU: 23rd February 2000)

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