Re: Compatibility testing

From: Brian Whitman (
Date: Wed May 06 1998 - 16:03:50 EDT

> saolc -bit vowels.mp4 -out test.aif

Hey, I tried this and got:

F:\develop\saol>saolc -bit vowels.mp4 -out test.aif
got orc file.
Read global block.
Read instr s0.
Read 40 score events.
Unknown instrument 's768', continuing...

and then it crashes with:
SAOLC caused an invalid page fault in
module SAOLC.EXE at 0137:00416321.

However, I was able to get it to work without the bistream, using the
sasl and saol files.

I'm using a Pentium Pro 200, Win95 osr2 and 64 megs of RAM.


Brian Whitman -

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