A-hah! Many thanks, Brian, for this observation. I
had been tearing my hair out trying to get this bug
to reproduce on any of my machines!
Can someone else confirm that this solves the problem?
I'll put up a ZIP file and a warning on the WWW site
Thanks again, Brian!
Best to all,
-- Eric
> From: Brian Whitman <bwhitman@WPI.EDU>
> To: saol-users@media.mit.edu
> Cc: Eric Scheirer <eds@media.mit.edu>
> Subject: Re: Compatibility testing
> Date: Thursday, May 07, 1998 1:43 AM
> On Thu, 7 May 1998, Antony Blakey wrote:
> > Brian Whitman wrote:
> > > > saolc -bit vowels.mp4 -out test.aif
> > > and then it crashes with:
> > > SAOLC caused an invalid page fault in
> > > module SAOLC.EXE at 0137:00416321.
> > Likewise, for all bitstream files.
> I think I figured out your problem, Eric. Those of us with Win95/NT are
> downloading the .mp4 file as ASCII, whether we like it or not. I just
> tried it with Internet Explorer, which assumes all unknown types (like
> .mp4) are binary, and it worked fine. Netscape assumed it was ASCII (at
> least on my system), and that caused the page fault. The sasl and saol
> files worked fine cause they are supposed to be ASCII anyway.
> To resolve this, either do a Addtype in the .htaccess file for .mp4, or
> simply Zip up the mp4 files (most browsers won't choke on that).
> hope this helps,
> Brian
> Brian Whitman
> bwhitman@wpi.edu - http://www.netspace.org/users/bwhitman
> "What desk? In London, off some well-kept street, in a tidy House,
> there will be someone at a Desk, to whom you'll tell all you've seen."
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