Real Time???

From: The Dark force of dance (
Date: Thu May 07 1998 - 21:45:13 EDT

Y-ellow Y'all.
        OK I've not had the opportunity to run SAOLC up yet. But My 18 month
long fight with win95 is finally bearing fruit. Without tearing up bandwidth
explaining the whole protracted saga, I have had to build up 3 machines on a
sub branch of a network where there was previously only one machine
necessary. (7 machines in all) One of the 3 machines is pretty much a
dedicated sequencer. Another is dedit acted multitrack recorder. The last of
these machines is an ol' toaster DX2-66, who's task it is to run one lowly
sound card due to a legacy.

Now Like I said, I've not had an opportunity to get any further with SAOLC
yet but I want to cover a logistic issue before I lock this configuration of
machines in stone. If it is at all possible for SAOLC to render in
real-time, even one voice, I have the opportunity to upgrade this machine to
something like a P75 or P120. Which could run the sound card and/or Saolc on
it's own dedicated machine.

What I need to know, with out getting into some protracted research at this
point is.
a) Is it worth doing to get a voice or two in real-time? If at all?
b) would a P75 -P120 be enough power?

I'm sorry if this seems a clutzy thing to ask but I need to know before I
get much further. Setting up these machines and ironing out the wrinkles is
pretty much a fulltime nightmare at the moment so any help would be appreciated.

My eventual aim is to take this stuff out 'live' as soon as it is
technically possible to do so. Two of the above mentioned computers live in
a large-ish 19" rack with a bunch of other synths which can render about 200
voices live. It would be nice to be able to render MPEG-4 orchestras live.
I'm not trying to be the first to do it as such. I just wanna do it period.
And I realize that I could investigate CSOUND for this purpose. Which also
evokes the same questions above.

Ok I hope I haven't made too much of a fool of myself in asking these
questions here but I really need to know at this point. Before I commit any
more resources in what could be the wrong direction.

Thanks in advance.

be absolutely Icebox.
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