Re: WIN32 builds of saolc and sfront

From: Michel Jullian (
Date: Wed Aug 25 1999 - 13:51:26 EDT

Many thanks Richard.

I downloaded the new version of your (240K only !) and it worked
fine on my K6/233/Win98 : after I had set the libdir as instructed, I followed
John's book's instructions to get sfront to convert vowels.saol and .sasl into
sa.c, which compiled instantly with a 1997 version of gcc we had lying around
(command line : gcc 02 sa.c) into a .exe, which when double-clicked produced
output.wav in a few seconds. As simple as that. Pure magic :-)

I can't wait for the realtime version now ;-) Speaking of which I'm glad
Michael Gogins pushed for vst2 too in a recent post : sfront will be a most
useful (and used :-) tool if it can produce dlls with this interface.

Concerning Michael's suggestion that SFront directly produces an executable
instead of C, if it's retained I suggest the user can still have C as an
option so he can modify the C program before compiling it, e.g. to implement a
GUI with faders and things, and/or to output MIDI : saol doesn't provide for
GUIs or MIDI output AFAIK.

Richard Dobson wrote:
> There aren't any compiled libs, as such, just the source files in the
> libs folder.
> The point, from my situation, is that the full distribution contains
> documentation, several examples, and a number of aiff files, and comes
> in at a little over 3.7 MB compressed. I have absolutely no space left
> on my cableinet server (they only allow 5 MBytes :-((), so everything
> else is courtesy of my Bath University site, on which I am already
> living a little dangerously. Adding a 3.7Mbyte file might just be a step
> too far, at least until I can get an OK from Bath.
> It is also an ecomnomy issue for me, as I have to pay for my phone
> connection, and it is ~much~ cheaper to update a small zipfile with a
> few changes, than a huge 3.7Mbyte file each time!
> I can certainly add the full lib folder, as those files compress to not
> very much, and make it self-sufficient to that extent. But people will
> still need (or almost certainly want) to have the full distribution
> anyway, so I am simply trying to provide what must be ~added~ to (or
> changed in) the full distribution to make a Win32 system.
> I will add the full lib folder to, bu that is as far as I
> can go at the moment, unfortunately.
> Richard Dobson
> Michel Jullian wrote:
> >
> > Richard, would it be at all possible to add _all_ the (compiled) libs to the
> > archive so people who are just interested in _using_ the program
> > would have little more to do than unzip the archive and execute sfront32.exe
> > in a command line ?
> >
> > I realize it would then be a complete self-contained distribution, but what's
> > the point of an incomplete executable distribution ? Or am I missing a point
> > here ?
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> --
> Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page!
> (LU: 23rd August 1999)
> CDP: (LU: 14th June 1999)

  Michel Jullian   Directeur General             email
  Exbang Industries S.A.
  Mas Chauvain   route de Villeneuve             tel +33(0) 499 529 878
  Maurin     34970 Lattes     France             fax +33(0) 499 529 879

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