upcoming seminar RA-G2/MBONE broadcast

From: John Lazzaro (lazzaro@cs.berkeley.edu)
Date: Wed Aug 25 1999 - 21:57:06 EDT

Hi Everyone,

        My collaborator John Wawrzynek is going to give a talk next
week at the Multimedia Seminar series here at Berkeley about sfront
and MP4-SA -- San Francisco/East Bay Area locals might want to drop in
and check it out, South Bay locals might want to hold off and catch
the (public) talk John's planning to give at Interval next month,
while everyone else might want to tune into the Real Audio G2
broadcast and/or the MBONE broadcast, which are detailed at the bottom
of the announcement below.

                                                --john lazzaro


Structured Audio: Algorithmic Sound for the Internet and Beyond

Berkeley Multimedia Interfaces and Graphics Seminar

John Wawrzynek Computer Science Division - EECS, University of California at Berkeley

Wednesday September 1, 1999 Fujitsu Seminar Room (405 Soda Hall) 1:00 - 2:30p.m. PST


The upcoming MPEG 4 (MP4) Audio standard includes the unique Structured Audio (SA) format. Unlike traditional audio formats like MP3, sound in MP4-SA is not encoded as a compressed version of audio samples. Instead, an MP4-SA file is a computer program in the SAOL language, that when executed by the decoder generates the audio stream.

When viewed as a Kolmogorov compression system, lossless compression ratios of 100 to 10,000 are possible with MP4-SA, for certain types of music. Because music under production is naturally represented as as a collection of algorithms and control data, MP4-SA also works well for applications such as collaborative music production over the Internet.

In this talk, I'll describe the standard (which was primarily developed at the MIT Media Lab by Eric Scheirer) and detail research in my lab on (1) compiler-based approaches to fast MP4-SA decoding and (2) physical musical instrument modeling in SAOL.


The seminar is broadcast live on the Internet Mbone and as a Real Networks G2 broadcast.

You can connect to the live RealNetworks broadcast at: http://bmrc.berkeley.edu/mig/live.ram

To do so you will need to have the "Real Player G2" installed, which is available from: http://www.real.com/products/player/downloadrealplayer.html

To tune into the Internet MBone broadcast, look for the announcement in your MBone session directory program ('sdr'). If you are not receiving the announcement you may be able to receive the session by manually configuring the client programs ('vic', and 'vat') with the session addresses: video -- audio --

You can get further information about this seminar, and access to replays of previous seminars at the MIG Seminar web page: http://bmrc.berkeley.edu/mig

Sponsored by the Berkeley Multimedia Research Center

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