Welcome to the club (was Re: )

From: Michel Jullian (mj@exbang.com)
Date: Fri Sep 17 1999 - 13:38:42 EDT

Lars Pellarin wrote:

> (whats core opcodes btw?)

Think of opcodes as hardware synth modules, whose inputs lie between the (),
and into whose output you can plug a wire "RedWire" by typing :
RedWire = buzz(440,...);
where 440 is the desired frequency and '...' stands for other inputs which I
can't remember off hand. Note that if you replace 440 with BlueWire, itself
plugged into another oscillator's output, you are doing FM :-)

'Core opcodes' are opcodes built into the language, by opposition with 'user
defined opcodes' which are opcodes whose code is typed directly into the SAOL
file by the user.

> >These instruments are both really boring (sine-wave oscillators) but
> >it shows that all the tools are there to code algorithms at the lowest
> >level ...
> I see. So that means YES, i can do things never done before... IF i have the
> coding skill (obviousely i would be able to do anything if i had the skill
> but... you know)

SAOL at the lowest level (without using opcodes), like in "x=x-a*y;", is much
simpler and more readable than C (of which it seems to be a self-sufficient
subset), but still needs learning ;-)

> well, that sfront programs output needs to be compiled right? - i dont have
> a compiler, so i guess i cant make the dlls huh? I really need that C stuff
> dont i?

You'll have to wait for a few weeks I expect before sfront can produce dlls,
and a few more before it can produce Buzz machines. Michael Gogins has done
some solid conception (with help from Ross Bencina and meagre help from me)
and will start coding demand-driven plugability into sfront's output in a few
days he tells me, right after he has finished a Java interface for sfront.

For the moment SFront outputs a standalone program sa.c which, when compiled
into sa.exe (you need a win32 version of gcc or lcc for this, ask me for the
url if you don't know where to find it) and run, produces output.wav. It's all
command-line stuff, you'll find the syntaxes in John's book's simple example
tutorial. I recommend the use of a .bat file to do it all with one double-click.

Patience, do the tutorials, compile sample code (elpelele, etc), don't worry
about speed as John expects sa.exe can be sped up by something like 10x to
100x ultimately (and if you think sa.exe is slow, DOOON'T try saolc ;-), see
what gives, read more of the book, start writing very simple code, have fun,
and don't expect too much traffic on saol-users at first : better lurk on
saol-dev too if you want more news. You're a pioneer, almost a guinea pig :
remember that a few months back Eric hadn't finalized the language yet, and
John wrote the book only a few _weeks_ ago, fun isn't it ? ;-)

  Michel Jullian   Directeur General             email mj@exbang.com
  Exbang Industries S.A.
  Mas Chauvain   route de Villeneuve             tel +33(0) 499 529 878
  Maurin     34970 Lattes     France             fax +33(0) 499 529 879

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