Re: CPS Announcement MPEG-4 SA

From: Giorgio Zoia (
Date: Tue Feb 29 2000 - 11:21:14 EST

At 06:26 PM 2/28/2000 , Eric Scheirer wrote:

>Perhaps when it comes time to put together the first SA
>corrigendum, we should consider proposing to remove this
>parameterization in favor of a simpler one.
>That said, I feel that implementations *should* implement
>the simpler version of reverb(), at least so that something
>happens when content authors use the opcode. saolc is
>presently lacking in that it is not implemented there.
>sfront does, though, and I'm sure SAINT does or will,
>since effects-processing is the main thrust of their
>goal with SA implementation.

In SAINT we are testing a reverb based on FDN (feedback
delay networks), an algorithm developed some time ago
by J.O. Smith and D.Rocchesso and that at the moment
turns in a 5.1 configuration on Merging Technologies' Mykerinos
card. I do not exclude that it will be released in a next future, together
with the group of effects, in a general purpose form. I have (still
informal) contacts with Davide and his students for that...

Needless to say that I don't like too much the idea of
another parametrization :-))

Best regards,


Giorgio ZOIA

Integrated Systems Laboratory - DE/LSI - EPFL
CH-1015 Lausanne - SWITZERLAND

Phone: + 41 21 693 69 79 E-mail:
Fax: +41 21 693 46 63

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