sfront 0.56 03/6/00 released

From: John Lazzaro (
Date: Mon Mar 06 2000 - 22:35:57 EST

Pick up sfront 0.56 03/6/00 from:

Change log message:

Version 0.56 -- 03/6/00

[1] The -bit option now
reads SA files that have
streaming data (i.e.
SA_access_units). All
event_types are supported
(SASL score_lines, MIDI
midi_events, and the sample
type for table data). SASL
score_lines that use both
relative and absolute
timestamps can be read
(i.e. has_time = 0 and 1).

[2] The -bitout option now
writes binary files that
include SA_access_units.
The new

-sstrout filename.sasl
-mstrout filename.mid

options specify the SASL and
MIDI files for encoding as
SA_access_units. Files
specified using the older

-sco filename.sasl
-midi filename.mid

are encoded as part of the
preamble of the binary file
as before. If SASL table
commands are used with the
sample wavetable generator,
the WAV or AIFF file specified
becomes a streaming sample

[3] Bug fixes: skip and size
fields work correctly in
sample wavetable generator
(thanks to Bertrand Petit),
bugs in dynamic instrs fixed
(thanks to Michael McGonagle),
bugs in the AIFF audio input
driver fixed.

[4] Default help printout
shortened (-help prints out
the longer option listing).

                                    --john lazzaro

John Lazzaro -- Research Specialist -- CS Division -- EECS -- UC Berkeley
lazzaro [at] cs [dot] berkeley [dot] edu

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