Pick up sfront 0.61 05/28/00 at:
Change log message:
[1] Sfront is now distributed with Slib,
a SAOL library that provides support
utilities to simplify low-level SAOL
programming. Slib is described in
this new chapter of the MP4-SA book:
[2] New examples/linux/linbuzz, that
demonstrates the MIDI features of Slib
in a real-time instrument.
[3] New optimization: faster execution
of expressions like tableread(t, int(x)),
by eliminating interpolation code.
[4] Bugfixes for the dynamic instr command,
the outbus command, the buzz opcode and
wavetable generator, specialop expressions,
opcode table initializations that use opcode
parameters, send statements that target the
output_bus, and user-defined opcode rate warnings.
John Lazzaro -- Research Specialist -- CS Division -- EECS -- UC Berkeley
lazzaro [at] cs [dot] berkeley [dot] edu www.cs.berkeley.edu/~lazzaro
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