Pick up sfront 0.62 07/05/00 at:
Change log message:
[1] Standard name cpuload
is now supported in -playback
and -timesync mode, for
all drivers. Cpuload is a
ksig, that takes on a value
between 0 (machine is not
loaded at all) and 1 (any
further loading of machine
risks loss of real-time
playback). Cpuload is
computed with no temporal
filtering or windowing,
and shows the performance
on the last kcycle.
[2] The -ain/-aout linux
and -cin linmidi drivers
are enhanced. The drivers
are more robust against
lockup and MIDI data loss.
When run as root, the driver
uses POSIX real-time scheduling
to reduce audio dropouts
(while we have carefully
tested these root features,
bugs in programs run as root
can cause file-system damage:
use at your own risk). Sa.c
start-up screen now suggests
the best sfront flags to use
for a given patch. FreeBSD and
linux sources are now merged,
with many of these features
available for both operating
systems. Thanks to Paul
Barton-Davis, Bertrand Petit,
Benno Senoner, Kai Vehmanen,
and the folks at saol.net.
[3] Bugfixes in: memory
allocation, dsound driver,
random number generators,
polymorphic table opcode
rate semantics, -cin fstr
file streaming, wavetable
generator sizing, and
array parameters in user
defined opcodes. Thanks
to Richard Dobson and
the folks at saol.net.
John Lazzaro -- Research Specialist -- CS Division -- EECS -- UC Berkeley
lazzaro [at] cs [dot] berkeley [dot] edu www.cs.berkeley.edu/~lazzaro
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