linux enhancements for sfront 0.62: under the hood

From: John Lazzaro (
Date: Thu Jul 06 2000 - 18:30:16 EDT

Hi everyone,

        Just sent this posting off to the Linux Audio Developers
mailing list, its an "under the hood" description of how the
enhancements in sfront's Linux audio drivers work. Thought the
Linux-oriented MP4 developers/users might be interested in these
details ...


----------------------[LAD posting below]-------------------------

Hi everyone,

        The just-released version of sfront (0.62) incorporates many
of the ideas discussed on a linux-audio-dev thread last month on
sfront. This posting describes the implementation decisions that were
made, as an epilogue for the LAD archives. See the end of this posting
for details on picking up sfront 0.62.

1. Intro

        As a reminder, sfront takes MPEG 4 Structured Audio programs
users write, and generates C programs that produce audio when compiled
and executed. By specifying "control" and "audio" drivers, the
programs can process audio and control input, and send audio output to
devices. If the inputs are "non-interactive" in nature, the C program
acts as an audio streaming engine for MP4-SA. If the inputs are
"interactive", the C program is a low-latency effects processor and/or
music instrument.

        The drivers described in this posting are:

-aout linux: uses OSS API to send audio to soundcard.

-ain linux: uses OSS API to read audio from soundcard.

-cin linmidi: uses the OSS /dev/midi port to grab non-timestamped
              MIDI input from the MIDI In jack on a soundcard.

        Also recall that the "core" program sfront generates (i.e.
w/o driver code) is ANSI C with only ANSI libraries (so that for
simple rendering of Structured Audio to files, its platform

2. Blocking I/O and Sfront

        The main impact the linux-audio-dev discussion had on sfront
0.62 involves sfront's "-playback" mode. When the "-playback" flag is
used when generating the C file, the "-aout linux" audio driver sets
the number of fragments to be a small fixed sized (4 turned out to be
best, given various sfront internals issues), so that I/O blocking
happens continously under normal operation. The "-playback" flag
supports interactive as well as streaming applications, so you can use
this blocked I/O approach for all sfront uses.

        The user can set a total latency value (i.e. number of seconds
of audio held by 4 fragments) as a command-line sfront option, or else
sfront uses sensible defaults, based on whether the -ain and -cin
choices reflect a streaming application (in which latency defaults to
0.3 seconds) or an interactive application (in which latency defaults
to 0.002 seconds). The actual latency used (i.e. the fragment size
chosen) is closest latency value that results in power-of-two sizes
for fragments.

3. Blocking I/O and SCHED_FIFO

        Using geteuid(), the C program sfront generates detects when
it is run as root, and sets SCHED_FIFO mode when -playback mode is
set. Since blocking should occur regularly in -playback mode, the
console should still be active. Several safety mechanisms are built
in to prevent system lockup and performance problems:

-- A timer is used to detect when a single "control cycle" of audio
(settable by the user's SAOL program, but typically 1 to 50
milliseconds) takes more than 3 seconds of CPU time. If this happens,
we assume the SAOL program has an infinite loop in it, and abort the C
program with an error message. We use the ITIMER_PROF for this, which
is not ideal, but we need the ITIMER_REAL for another purpose (see

-- Using SNDCTL_DSP_GETOPTR ioctls, we sense if a block occurs for
every audio write(). If 2 seconds go by without a block, we do a
nanosleep() of 2ms + epsilon, to force a block. This lets any
cntrl-C's through to the xterm to let users kill the session.

-- A timer is set up to catch MIDI Input overruns. The es1370.c driver
(to pick an example) uses an array of 256 bytes to store MIDI Input,
which under maximum load corresponds to about 80 milliseconds (256
bytes * 0.0003125 milliseconds per byte). Under normal operation, the
C program sfront creates should easily service this buffer before
overflow. However, under severe load, the buffer may not be serviced,
and NoteOff's may be lost, causing stuck notes. This failure mode has
been reported in the field, usually when driving sfront from a
sequencer via the MIDI In jack with heavy data streams. This problem
is fixed in sfront 0.62: an ITIMER_REAL timer interrupts once every 40
milliseconds to sweep the MIDI data to a temporary buffer. This timer
gets reset on control cycle boundaries, and so never goes off in
normal circumstances, so its a low-overhead solution (a timer reset
once every k-cycle).

        A side effect of using these timers was the need to harden the
code against partial I/O operations, as well as EAGAIN and EINTR

4. Non-Blocking I/O and its uses

        In addition to -playback mode, -timesync mode continues to be
supported in sfront as well. In -timesync mode (typically used for
interactive applications only):

-- A large number of fragments are requested
-- Sfront spins at each k-cycle boundary

        In this mode, if the only I/O that happens is audio output
and /dev/midi reads in O_NONBLOCK mode, the C program sfront creates
never blocks.

        Because the program never blocks, if we run in SCHED_FIFO
mode, the console is frozen (i.e. no ASCII keyboard or mouse input)
while the program is running. Clearly, the -playback safeguards
described above for SCHED_FIFO aren't sufficient here. We add an extra
"dead-man" condition:

      At the start of the C program, the program is in
      SCHED_OTHER mode. Once a NoteOn or NoteOff is processed
      from the MIDI In jack, we switch to SCHED_FIFO. The
      program stays in that mode until 5 seconds elapse without a
      new NoteOn or NoteOff, at which the program returns to
      SCHED_OTHER mode. Return to SCHED_FIFO mode with the next
      NoteOn or NoteOff.

        This works well in practice -- when all else fails, pull the
MIDI In cord from the soundcard, and you're guaranteed to get control
back of the console in 5 seconds.

        This dead-man scheme wouldn't work while using audio input
without MIDI input: detecting "no audio input" is too risky to
implement in a world where soundcards can feed back on themselves. So
sfront detects this condition and does not enter SCHED_FIFO mode.

        However, for my setup at least (OSS/Free running es1370.c),
-timesync SCHED_FIFO is ineffective while using audio input _and_ MIDI
input, for a different reason:

      If you spin on SNDCTL_DSP_GETISPACE to ensure
      a fragment is always ready before doing a read()
      to the soundcard, and you're in SCHED_FIFO mode,
      you seem to (at least sometimes) give up control
      to the SCHED_OTHER processes anyways. Using select in
      addition to SNDCTL_DSP_GETISPACE doesn't seem to help.
      So, there isn't a way to implement "freeze-mode" when
      using audio input.

        I'm unsure if this is an OS or sound driver bug, or reflects
correct OSS behavior under SCHED_FIFO mode.

5. In the future ...

        In the near term, expect only bug-fixes and algorithm tuning
for sfront's Linux audio I/O system. In the long-term, the remaining
issues in Linux audio I/O include:

-- ALSA support: Right now, you can use -aout linux and -ain linux in
OSS compatibility mode, but because ALSA users had trouble getting the
/dev/midi interface working, there's a contributed -cin alsamidi
module (thanks to Steven Pickles). Some of the features mentioned
above (most notably, freeze-mode on -timesync, and the ITIMER_REAL for
MIDI Input overrun) haven't been added to -cin alsamidi, since this
SCHED_FIFO stuff really needs to be tested thoroughly before a release
on real hardware, and I don't have ALSA installed on my machine at the

-- Experimenting with mlockall() -- Sfront 0.62 doesn't use mlockall()
to pin down working pages in main memory. Since a SAOL program can
(indirectly) malloc an unbounded amount of memory, any use of
mlockall() must not interfere with the fail-safe measures for
regaining machine control out of SCHED_FIFO mode, and stress testing
needs to be done to verify safe operation.

-- Machine auditing. In sfront 0.62, the C program sfront generates
makes suggestions about whether to use -playback or -timesync, what
latency value to use if the default isn't good, ect, based on the
drivers chosen and the SAOL program. An obvious extension is to do a
ps, and look for processes and daemons that are know to be bad with
respect to kernel latency issues (syslogd syncing the disk, load
monitors that use proc), and suggest that the user kill them if
highest-quality audio is desired.


Finally, here's the announcement for the new sfront:

Pick up sfront 0.62 07/05/00 at:

Change log message:

[1] Standard name cpuload
is now supported in -playback
and -timesync mode, for
all drivers. Cpuload is a
ksig, that takes on a value
between 0 (machine is not
loaded at all) and 1 (any
further loading of machine
risks loss of real-time
playback). Cpuload is
computed with no temporal
filtering or windowing,
and shows the performance
on the last kcycle.

[2] The -ain/-aout linux
and -cin linmidi drivers
are enhanced. The drivers
are more robust against
lockup and MIDI data loss.
When run as root, the driver
uses POSIX real-time scheduling
to reduce audio dropouts
(while we have carefully
tested these root features,
bugs in programs run as root
can cause file-system damage:
use at your own risk). Sa.c
start-up screen now suggests
the best sfront flags to use
for a given patch. FreeBSD and
linux sources are now merged,
with many of these features
available for both operating
systems. Thanks to Paul
Barton-Davis, Bertrand Petit,
Benno Senoner, Kai Vehmanen,
and the folks at

[3] Bugfixes in: memory
allocation, dsound driver,
random number generators,
polymorphic table opcode
rate semantics, -cin fstr
file streaming, wavetable
generator sizing, and
array parameters in user
defined opcodes. Thanks
to Richard Dobson and
the folks at

John Lazzaro -- Research Specialist -- CS Division -- EECS -- UC Berkeley
lazzaro [at] cs [dot] berkeley [dot] edu

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