ANN: VisOrc SAOL edition 0.2.8

From: Dave Perry (
Date: Fri Jul 14 2000 - 13:32:42 EDT


        The latest version of VisOrc SAOL beta is now available (0.2.8). Most
significantly in this release is improvements to the UI and the librarian
which now comes with several instruments and User defined opcodes ready for
use. I've taken many of these from the net (mostly stuff by Peter Maas,
Peter v.d. Noord and Eric Scheirer) and have included appropriate credits in
the project notes whenever they appeared in the SAOC file.

New screenshots:

  The bell instrument (available in librarian) (42k)

  Score for bell instrument in editor (10k)

  For an example of some SAOL code created by VisOrc: (4k)

  For an example of the above project in XML savefile format: (20k)
  (you may need to save this file to disk before opening it for it to appear
correctly in IE)

Other changes include:

+ Core unit templates: oscil, cpsmidi, table, outchannels, kline, variable,
srate, krate, kexpon, return, bandpass, bandstop, flange, chorus, reverb,
gain, balance, aline, output, allpass, comb, code ,hipass, lopass, extend,
if, if..else, while, krand, arand, irand, fracdelay, aphasor, kphasor, port,
delay, delay1, tableread, tablewrite

+ Librarian Instruments : Schroeder (reverb), Bell, Grainy, Tabla, Pad,
Moogish, monodelay, Plucking

+ Librarian UD opcodes : Combgain, butterw, butter_gainbp, butter_gainlp,
interpdelay, Monodelay, lfo, stereodelay.

+ Full error handling (with automatic emailing of bug reports) returned to
whole project.
+ Minor bugs corrected. Should be more stable. I hope.

+ Added 'Librarian' tab to main editor panel. Shows all Instruments and
Opcodes in the library, to load, drag an icon onto the main screen or an
instrument window. Right click to remove elements from the librarian.

+ Command line options no longer fixed but loaded at run-time from a file in
the visorc directory (eg. sfront.xml for sfront, saolc.xml for saolc).
This release contains a file for sfront only (see but other compiler xml files
are easily created from the options menu.

+ Fixed bug: Device Designer now enables properly when first loaded
+ Implemented a date stamp for unit templates
+ Fixed bug: Syntax for first section of Send statements now correct
+ PFields now have a description field
+ Fixed bug: Instrument units in the global instrument now connect properly
to their contents window
+ Fixed bug: adding and removing parameters from User Defined opcodes and
instruments after they are embedded in a project now works properly
+ Added parameters section to score editor panel, making it much easier to
rename/modify pfields
+ Improved implementation of code and window parameters and added "code"
+ Opcodes in visorc created SAOL files are now sorted by rate
+ Can now use underscore character & Upper case in unit and instrument names
+ Added support for variables and parameters of non-scalar width
+ Can now use multiple units with same name
+ Can now rename units by pressing F2 (play audio shortcut now F4)
+ Improved load time of library
+ Main window position saved & restored

This is just an executable upgrade- you must have the last beta (0.2.4)

this link (1.88Mb)
downloads the upgrade

David Perry
ICQ: 78039692

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