Re: building sfront @ OS9 was Re:sfront on Darwin?

From: John Lazzaro (
Date: Tue Jan 30 2001 - 13:29:15 EST

> when i double clicked the icon
> the application starts and auto-quits immediately
> nothing like the terminal or the console comes out
> i only get the "stdout" file spit out
> which says
> "sfront, a SAOL to C translator. Version 0.68 10/28/00.
> Run sfront with -license option for Copyright/License info.

My guess here (hopefully someone familiar with MPW can verify)
is that if you're compiling a "command-line" tool like sfront,
you can't double-click on the created icon and use the program --
instead, you'll need to actually execute it from the MPW shell
command line. The question is, how do paths work in the MPW shell?
If you're in the examples/sfront/src directory, can you simply


and have things work like they would under UNIX? If so, then I
think you're well on your way ... clearly by the stuff that ended
up in your stdout file, sfront itself basically seems to work.
What you'll eventually want to do is figure out how to get
sfront/bin/ in the MPW equivalent of your UNIX "path", so that
whenever you type "sfront" the correct executable runs, then
you'll be able to go to the sfront/examples/ directory and try
out some of the test programs. Maybe the simplest thing to do
here is to go in search of MPW documentation on how to write a
simple command-line tools that runs in that environment, I would
guess that documentation would answer this question.

All of the warning messages look benign ...

> this was when i made the build "PPC-only" oriented
> also tried to make it "FAT"
> but it failed and @ he end it was saying

Again, I'm not familiar with the specifics here, but my guess,
given the output you sent along, is that you have to completely
recompile sfront with different compiler flags to get these
special kinds of binaries to happen, and perhaps you didn't do
that, and instead just tried relinking them. But this is just a
guess ...

John Lazzaro -- Research Specialist -- CS Division -- EECS -- UC Berkeley
lazzaro [at] cs [dot] berkeley [dot] edu

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