I am new here

From: David Schuyeteneer (davids@pavell.com)
Date: Wed Jul 15 1998 - 15:00:14 EDT

Hello musicians, scientists....

I am new to this list, so this is a little introduction....

My name is David Deschuyteneer, 21 yrs...

Well, actually nothing special can be said, as I'm not studying at any
or something like that. I am a member of the Csound list for a while now,
from there
my attention went to Saolc, however, not that much, since there is simply
too much
to learn these days. So my Csound, Saolc etc activity is purely hobbyistic
("for fun").
I also do oil painting, drawing and computer graphics (both 2D and 3D, next
year 4D ;-)
My favorite music styles is every style as long as it is EXPERIMENTAL
(whatever that is), but has to be said that dronal ambient, modern
Electroacoustic music and dark ambient are my all-time favorites. I don't
like rock,pop and charts-music. Never liked it.



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